So having just read, "How to Draw Up a Project" (a very short and graphic thing...yay) I'm filled with ideas of gaseous phenomena evolving into structured organisms that somehow form and become full-fledged individual systems.... which is our thesis proposal. It doesn't really help me choose what I want to do, but it does bring to light what kinds of methods are needed to explore my options. I don't think I can start with the site, like Rami and/or Art mentioned during class last week because it's too vague of a starting point for me. So I pick Pittsburgh (hypothetically) and... what? Focus on the housing typologies? (I also understand that typologies isn't really a position either, so therefore not really a thesis, but I'm just spitting out words.) I think that for me, to pick a specific place before you understand what you want to do forces you to specify too quickly in this preparation process what you want to do. I think that previous sentence is a bit confusing, but I'll try to explain. Basically, if you pick Pittsburgh, or New York, or where ever, you are immediately confronted with the issues that plague that city. That might be fine if those are aligned with the ones you want to focus on, but I guess I can't work backwards in that manner.
That being said, some possible ideas for a possible thesis proposal that I was thinking about during our last class related to:
1. Technology's place and function in architecture
2. The idea of Utopia vs. Dystopia... so looking at the ideas of Archigram and others (perhaps some cinematic ones...) in relation to what is happening in Architecture now
3. And in connection to my recent studio... the ability/accessibility of sustainable and affordable housing for people across various regions of the state/country/world....
Well there are my ramblings for the moment. I hope someone finds them semi-intelligible and interesting. I'm going to try to catch a phantom, beat it down (if you can do that with a intangible thing), and cram it into a glorious magical structure.