By using a programmatic approach to the analysis of the housing stock of an area, I will be able to create a completely new typology that is still related to the visual legacy of the area and can possibly introduce new ideals into its reconstruction.
There have been many ways to analyze the characteristics of a building type. One way is to evaluate it from the smallest of parts – from the basic geometric shape and work our way up. This analysis will allow the research to have a library of components in which to work within the redesign of the housing typology.
By breaking down a typology to the most basic of building blocks, the research will be able to understand the connections between typologies. Then from that research, the program will be able to reshape what the typology could be. This reshaping is in response to transporting the housing typology into a new area. This new area could be an entirely different place, with a different context and environment. Or, this new area could be the same place but in response to a catastrophic event, such as a fire or earthquake, destroying the current structures. The focus for this reconstruction will be with new ideals – ones of environmentalism and site specific responses - within the construct of the components that have previously been collected. By creating these new structures with a connection to its legacy typology, I will be able to begin to create connections to what these houses provide for the area, but in the context of the new site. Hopefully these connections will bring to light how buildings are connected in the most fundamental of ways.