So in looking back at my previous posts in regards to my concept sketches, it looks like I've begun to waiver from my original idea - utopia/dystopia. That divergence is fine, but I don't really want to lose that aspect to what my thesis could be. The idea of a utopian/dystopian Pittsburgh or where ever is still an appealing thought. Going to my next sketch, however, I feel like I didn't necessarily lose the underlying driving force for that image. Ultimately, I want to keep the idea of "stacking" or "additive programming" or a "kit-of-parts" or any other term or phrase that relates to that feeling of building based on a predetermined system. Then for my last concept sketch, I brought in the idea of shape grammars - still keeping with the "kit-of-parts" approach but now bringing a more technological aspect to the phantom. For my next sketch, I want to somehow try to combine these ideas so....
Utopian/Dystopian "ideals" + kit-of-parts + shape grammars/technology = ?
Do I have to add something further to the equation?
How about cargo containers? I promise you they aren't just a crazy random happenstance - they have been of some interest to me for awhile and I know very little about re-adapting them beyond the images I've seen. Therefore it's something to look into and educate myself. So....
Utopian/Dystopian "ideals" + kit-of-parts + shape grammars/technology + cargo containers =

Side note: I just realized that I just employed the "Fusion" exercise as stated earlier. I find this funny because, honestly and despite the fact that I said I would, I didn't think I would actually do it. Funny how you follow your own instruction when you don't expect to.
As an abstract way of communicating your ideas I am not really getting these relationships you are trying to explore. I think that how these ideas relate to each other and begin to overlap will give you a new understanding of how it could evolve. I really like the idea of adapting cargo containers within this infrastructure you are creating. What exactly was your initial concept for them? How do they fall into the Utopian/Dystopian 'ideals' you are talking about? I really think you could be on to something.