Monday, September 21, 2009

Response to the "Adapative Re-Use of Program" and "Program Primer v1.0"

John McMorrough's discussion on the use of program in architecture today began as a tedious endeavor. He described program in the way most architects see it, as a means to create a design - "Form follows function." This is a phrase that I've heard before, but something that doesn't necessarily help me in my search for a thesis focus. It suggests that there is a very specific program already established, or in the process of being established. Unfortunately for myself, my "program" is not much more than a general statement of what I plan to encourage to happen. It wasn't until I read further as came across the quote from Deleuze: "form [there] can have two meanings: it forms and organizes matter, or it forms and finalizes functions and gives them aim." McMorrough simplifies the statement, "On one hand form/diagram/program is a designation of general effect, on the other it is used to generate specific entities." This look at program is closer to what I've been considering the idea of program currently. From there McMorrough states that the two sides are combined through the use of abstraction as a way of relating one side to the other. Since I am, at the moment closer on the side of the "designation of general effect", perhaps I should begin to try and abstract my thoughts in order to get to the side of "specific entities"? Perhaps the Program Primer that followed the essay will help? The "Fusion" exercise seems the best method to try out...

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